It is a pity that we are yet to resolve the exact process Homeopathy medicines follow to cure people.
May be the best brains are busy resolving something else somewhere.
There have been thousands of cases where only few globules of Homeopathy medicines
permanently cured people.
It is extremely powerful, without any side effect and cures permanently provided the right medicine is selected for the right patient. This is the key.
More we are understanding "DNA", we know the root cause of difference of
constitution of human beings. Thus creating varieties of people who respond differently
to the same Homeopathy medicine. To-day the computer help is sought in analysing
large numbers of variables collected from the feed back of the patient
before suggesting the right medicine.
We hope the days are not far when every patient will find the right medicine for him or her
and will be healthy always.
Prevention of Diseases Protect against- "Cholera,
Chicken Pox, Malaria,Cold,Hepatitis etc."
Homeopathy Remedies Treatment Homeopathic Cure Diseas Prognosis
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