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![]() "pdponline" ASTROLOGY Happy New Year! |
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Man learns through experience and each of the preconceived notions goes through a
substantiating process constantly in the mind. This constant process of change makes
man wise and experienced.
Vedic tradition has in its deep foresight depicted man and universe in an eternal connection.
There is no doubt that a powerful law drives both man and the universe. To establish
personal identity and be a relevant part of this universe is man's first and foremost
calling. It is 'dharma'; man struggles to attain this connection which subsequently
allots a certain status, the nearest answer to 'who am I'; however much we try to
come to a conclusion, the question always remains, 'am I good enough'? This is
the key word to man and his struggle for perfection.
The present is very important and it is almost impossible for us to uphold the
foresight as we are not always at the best of our capabilities. The mind becomes
clouded with hidden tensions, routine and our inabilities. There are so many
blaring incidents in our lives that show that at the critical moment, our intelligence
and discerning faculties failed. This is true almost in every human being's life. For
some they remain as personal failures but for many they become guiding powers
and the same mistakes do not reappear on the horizon as depressive elements.
Astrology can assist in establishing the correlation between the person and his or
her position in this universe. It is a very subtle science that can enable the person
to directly experience the inner and hidden forces working within the psyche.
Astrology is not just a maze of signs and houses are not created to confuse the
credulous, nor are everything in it hocus – focus; its essence is philosophical and
its nature is scientific like mathematics.
The planets and their influences is the theme of astrology. For years together this
science has been used as a pilot that can guide to the best possibilities. Human
mind is curious and future has always remained the main object of interest.
This is where astrology helps. To understand, what the planetary influences have
in store; to even modulate/adjust our personal boundaries.
Planets are always moving and their movements take them across the Zodiac.
Each planet has its own specialty. All plants rule two houses excepting the
luminaries, Sun and Moon. When one considers the malefics like Saturn and Mars,
generally there is a foreboding; the same can be also attributed to the two nodes
Rahu and Ketu. Some planets are fast while others are slow. The fastest of all planets
are Moon and the slowest of them all is Saturn. Hence if Saturn is in an unfavorable
location by its transit, it continues to trouble us for two and half years. Rahu and
Ketu are also slow and they move in a pair in a span of one and half years. However
as Astrology is a vast subject and it is impossible for us to see the end of it, there is
no harm in looking at the skyline and enjoying the horizon of knowledge that can it
can bestow upon us about ourselves, how we are and what we can become.
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