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Capability is the total range of inherent variation in a stable
process. It is determined using data from control charts. The control charts
shall indicate stability before capability calculations can be made. Histograms
are to be used to examine the distribution pattern of individual values and
verify a normal distribution. When analysis indicates a stable process and a
normal distribution, the indices Cp and Cpk can be calculated. If analysis
indicates a non normal distribution, advanced statistical tools such as PPM
analysis, will be required to determine capability. If control charts show the
process to be non stable, the index Ppk can be calculated.
CAR Corrective Action Request
Care mapping Medical
procedure for a particular diagnosis in a diagrammatic form that includes key
decision points used to coordinate care and instruct patient.
Cause That which produces an effect or
brings about a change.
Cause &
Effect diagram A tool used to analyze all factors (causes) that
contribute to a given situation or occurrence (effect) by breaking down main
causes into smaller and smaller sub-causes. It is also known as the Ishikawa or
the fishbone diagram.
Cause effect graphing(1) Test data selection
technique The input and output domains are partitioned into classes and analysis
is performed to determine which input classes cause which effect. A minimal set
of inputs is chosen which will cover the entire effect set. (2) (Myers) A
systematic method of generating test cases representing combinations of
conditions. See: testing, functional.
Centre Line The line on a statistical process control chart
which represents the characteristic's central tendency.
CFT Cross Functional Team.
Change control The
processes, authorities for, and procedures to be used for all changes that are
made to the computerized system and/or the system's data. Change control is a
vital subset of the Quality Assurance [QA] program within an establishment and
should be clearly described in the establishment's SOPs, See: configuration
Change tracker A
software tool which documents all changes made to a program.
Characteristics A definable or
measurable feature of a process, product, or variable.
Central Tendency Numerical average, e.g., mean, median, and mode;
center line on a statistical process control chart.
CHART A form used to display
information obtained through data collection when measuring defects and/or
document that specifies the purpose of a team, its power, it's reporting
relationships, and its specific responsibilities.
Check sheet A customized form used to
record data. Usually, it is used to record how often some activity occurs. A
list of things to do.
Computer Integrated Manufacturing
Client/server A term used in a broad sense to describe the
relationship between the receiver and the provider of a service. In the world of
microcomputers, the term client-server describes a networked system where
front-end applications, as the client, make service requests upon another
networked system. Client-server relationships are defined primarily by software.
In a local area network [LAN], the workstation is the client and the file server
is the server. However, client-server systems are inherently more complex than
file server systems. Two disparate programs must work in tandem, and there are
many more decisions to make about separating data and processing between the
client workstations and the database server. The database server encapsulates
database files and indexes, restricts access, enforces security, and provides
applications with a consistent interface to data via a data
Clinical practice
guidelines A general term for statements of accepted medical
procedure for a particular diagnosis.
CMI Certified Mechanical Inspector
Code audit An independent review of
source code by a person, team, or tool to verify compliance with software design
documentation and programming standards. Correctness and efficiency may also be
evaluated. Contrast with code inspection, code review, code walkthrough. See:
static analysis.
Code inspection
(Myers/NBS) A manual [formal] testing [error detection] technique
where the programmer reads source code, statement by statement, to a group who
ask questions analyzing the program logic, analyzing the code with respect to a
checklist of historically common programming errors, and analyzing its
compliance with coding standards. Contrast with, code audit, code review, code
walkthrough. This technique can also be applied to other software and
configuration items. Syn: Fagan Inspection. See: static analysis.
program, source code.
Code review
(IEEE) A meeting at which software code is presented to project
personnel, managers, users, customers, or other interested parties for comment
or approval. Contrast with code audit, code inspection, code walkthrough. See:
static analysis.
walkthrough (MyersINBS) A manual testing [error detection] technique
where program (source code] logic [structure] is traced manually [mentally] by a
group with a small set of test cases, while the state of program variables is
manually monitored, to analyze the programmer's logic and assumptions. Contrast
with code audit, code inspection, code review. See: static analysis.
Coding standards Written procedures
describing coding [programming] style conventions specifying rules governing the
use of individual constructs provided by the programming language, and naming,
formatting, and documentation requirements which prevent programming errors,
control complexity and promote understandability of the source code. Syn:
development standards, programming standards.
Common Cause Variation is variation
caused by the process. It is produced by the interaction of aspects of the
process that affect every occurrence
Common Cause Variation that affects all the individual values
of a process Common causes Inherent causes of variation in a process.
They are typical of the process, not unexpected. That is not to say that they
must be tolerated; on the contrary, once special causes of variation are largely
removed, a focus on removing common causes of variation can pay big
(IEEE) A software tool that compares two computer programs, files, or sets of
data to identify commonalities or differences. Typical objects of comparison are
similar versions of source code, object code, data base files, or test
(NIST) The property that all necessary parts of the entity are
included. Completeness of a product is often used to express the fact that all
requirements have been met by the product. See: traceability
(IEEE) (1) The degree to which a system or component has a design or
implementation that is difficult to understand and verify. (2) Pertaining to any
of a set of structure based metrics that measure the attribute in
Computer aided software
engineering (CASE)An automated system for the support of software
development including an integrated tool set, i.e., programs, which facilitate
the accomplishment of software engineering methods and tasks such as project
planning and estimation, system and software requirements analysis, design of
data structure, program architecture and algorithm procedure, coding, testing
and maintenance.
Computer system
audit (ISO) An examination of the procedures used in a computer
system to evaluate their effectiveness and correctness and to recommend
improvements. See: software audit.
Computer system security(IEEE) The protection of computer
hardware and software from accidental or malicious access, use, modification,
destruction, or disclosure. Security also pertains to personnel, data,
communications, and the physical protection of computer installations.
Confidence Level The
probability that a random variable x lies within a defined interval.
Confidence Limit The two values that
define the confidence interval.
Configurable, off-the-shelf software (COTS)Application
software, sometimes general purpose, written for a variety of industries or
users in a manner that permits users to modify the program to meet their
individual needs.
control (IEEE) An element of configuration management, consisting of
the evaluation, coordination, approval or disapproval, and implementation of
changes to configuration items after formal establishment of their configuration
identification. See: change control.
Configuration management (IEEE) A discipline applying
technical and administrative direction and surveillance to identify and document
the functional and physical characteristics of a configuration item, control
changes to those characteristics, record and report change processing and
implementation status, and verifying compliance with specified requirements.
See: configuration control, change control
Conformance Meeting requirements or
Allowing two or more variables to vary together so that it is impossible to
separate their unique effects.
Consensus Acceptance of a team decision so that everyone on
the team can live with the decision and support it.
Consensus Method used in reaching
unanimous agreement by voluntarily giving consent. An agreement to support a
consistency checker A software tool used to test requirements in
design specifications for both consistency and completeness.
Consistency (IEEE) The degree of
uniformity, standardization, and freedom from contradiction among the documents
or parts of a system or component.
Consumers Risk Probability of accepting a lot when, in fact,
the lot should have been rejected (see BETA RISK).
Continuous Data Numerical information
at the interval of ratio level; subdivision is conceptually meaningful; can
assume any number within an interval, e.g., 14.652 amps.
Continuous improvement On-going
improvement of any and all aspects of an organization including products,
services, communications, environment, functions, individual processes,
Continuous Process
Improvement A policy that encourages, mandates, and/or empowers
employees to find ways to improve process and product performance measures on an
ongoing basis.
Continuous Random
Variable A random variable which can assume any value continuously in
some specified interval.
Chart is a line chart with control limits. It is based on the work of
Shewhart and Deming. By mathematically constructing control limits at 3 standard
deviations above and below the average, one can determine what variation is due
to normal ongoing causes (common causes) and what variation is produced by
unique events (special causes). By eliminating the special causes first and then
reducing common causes, quality can be improved.
Control Charts Statistical charts used
in process measurement. Used to differentiate process variation caused by common
cause versus special cause or assignable cause.
Control flow analysis (IEEE) A
software V&V task to ensure that the proposed control flow is free of
problems, such as design or code elements that are unreachable or
Control flow
diagram. (IEEE) A diagram that depicts the set of all possible
sequences in which operations may be performed during the execution of a system
or program. Types include box diagram, flowchart, input-process-output chart,
state diagram. Contrast with data flow diagram. See: call graph, structure
Control limit A
statistically-determined line on a control chart used to analyze variation
within a process. If variation exceeds the control limits, then the process is
being affected by special causes and is said to be "out of control." A control
limit is not the same as a specification limit.
Control Plans Control Plans are
written descriptions of the systems for controlling parts and processes. They
are written by suppliers to address the important characteristics and
engineering requirements of the product. Each part shall have a Control Plan,
but in many cases, "family" Control Plans can cover a number of parts produced
using a common process. Customer approval of Control Plans may be required prior
to production part submission.
Control Plans Written descriptions of the systems for
controlling parts and processes.
Control Point is the desired result of a process.
Control Specifications Specifications
called for by the product being manufactured.
Corrective Action Documented and
purposeful change implemented to eliminate forever a specific cause of an
identified non conformance.
Corrective Action Action(s) designed to identify and eliminate
root causes of non-conformances and non-conformities.
Corrective Action Plan A Corrective
Action Plan is a plan for correcting a process or part quality issue.
Corrective maintenance
(IEEE) Maintenance performed to correct faults in hardware or software. Contrast
with adaptive maintenance, preventative maintenance.
Correctness (IEEE) The degree to which
software is free from faults in its specification, design and coding. The degree
to which software, documentation and other items meet specified requirements.
The degree to which software, documentation and other items meet user needs and
expectations, whether specified or not.
Cost of Poor Quality Internal and External Failure Cost plus
Appraisal and Prevention Costs
of poor quality The costs incurred by producing products or services
of poor quality. These costs usually include the cost of inspection, rework,
duplicate work, scrapping rejects, replacements and refunds, complaints, and
loss of customers and reputation.
Cost of Quality The total labor, materials, and overhead costs
attributed to: 1) preventing nonconforming products products or services, 2)
appraising products or service to ensure conformance, or 3) correcting or
scrapping nonconforming products products or service.
Count chart (c chart) An attributes
data control chart that evaluates process stability by charting the counts of
occurrences of a given event in successive samples.
Count-per-unit chart (u chart) A
control chart that evaluates process stability by charting the number of
occurrences of a given event per unit sampled, in a series of
Coverage analysis
(NIST) Determining and assessing measures associated with the invocation of
program structural elements to determine the adequacy of a test run. Coverage
analysis is useful when attempting to execute each statement, branch, path, or
iterative structure in a program. Tools that capture this data and provide
reports summarizing relevant information have this feature See: testing, branch;
testing, path; testing, statement.
Cp Commonly used process capability index defined as [USL
(upper spec limit) - LSL(lower spec limit)] / [6 x sigma], where sigma is the
estimated process standard deviation.
Cp/Cpk Capability Ratio/Capability Index
Cpk Commonly used process capability
index defined as the lesser of USL - m / 3sigma or m - LSL / 3sigma, where sigma
is the estimated process standard deviation.